O-Sensei Morihei Ueshiba 12/14/1883 -
After he intensively studied various swordfighting and
jujutsu styles, Ueshiba became famous as one of the
strongest men of Japan.
In 1919, he turned towards the spiritual, pacifistic
teachings of the Omoto religion and started to develop the
Art of Peace. In 1942,
in the midst of the chaos of World War II, O-Sensei named
his new martial art Aikido, and moved to
the small country town of Iwama.
There he continued to practice, teach and refine Aikido
until he passed away in 1969.

Morihiro Saito Sensei
3/31/1928 - 5/13/2002
9th Dan Aikikai. Being an Iwama native, Morihiro Saito
started training in Aikido in 1946 and became not only a
but a close confidant of O-Sensei for the following 23
years. After the founder's death, he was put in charge of
the Iwama dojo
and became the guardian of the Aiki-shrine. Today, he is
also known for his books, his clear and structured way of
and the organization of the huge number of techniques that
comprise Iwama-style Aikido. It is through
Saito Sensei's
timeless Iwama style techniques, that the teachers and
students of Westlake Village Aikido will always remember