Westlake Village Aikido logo by Scott Cattanach
Website design and development by Mitch Dunaway
While you are welcome to purchase training weapons from any supplier you wish, provided what you order will hold up to full-contact strikes, there are two suppliers I recommend above others: Nippon Budogu and Kingfisher WoodWorks.
From Nippon Budogu, I recommend the Aikido Heavy Bokken (formerly the Iwama-Ryu bokken).
From Kingfisher WoodWorks, I recommend any of the Iwama Bokken (standard, hand cut, or enhanced).
From Nippon Budogu, I recommend the White Oak Jo.
From Kingfisher WoodWorks, all of their Jo (standard or enhanced) are nice, though I prefer the hand-cut. The height of the jo should correspond to your armpit height.
For a heavy-weight uniform, I recommend either Tozando or HSU.
I recommend Iwata Co hakama. My personal preference is the Hakama Polyester B Thick. I recommend contacting Iwata to get extended front straps to allow for greater range of tying styles.
Aikido Journal is the best place for general Aikido information and materials (DVDs, books, etc). Founded by the late Stan Pranin Sensei and currently run by Josh Gold, it started as the best Aikido magazine in print but has since evolved into a strictly online resource.
Aikiweb is a good Aikido information site and includes a very convenient dojo finder.
No Nonsense Self-Defense is a site run by Marc "Animal" MacYoung. Marc "Animal" MacYoung is one of the most knowledgeable martial artists in the world. This site is an amazing martial arts/awareness/fighting resource. You can learn more from this website than you can from most martial arts classes. Marc "Animal" MacYoung is also the author of many valuable self-defense books which can be purchased from most major online bookstores. I highly recommend all of them.
Takemusu Aikido Association. Austin Iwama Aikido is a member of the Takemusu Aikido Association.
Isoyama American Aikido Academy
Iwama Shin-Shin Aiki-Shuren-Kai (Hitohiro Saito - Iwama, Japan)